Cideshow wants your series or pilot



Do you have a completed series? Or have you shot a pilot and are looking for ways to make more episodes?

We’re here for you.

Cideshow--a new streaming service focusing on total artist and viewer control--is launching in just a couple of months, and we’re looking for more content to add to our network.

Whatcha need to know:

Completed series

One thing we’re looking for is a completed series that we can distribute on our network, especially series that are doing new and imaginative things.

We will run your show on our site, and you will receive a percentage of show profits (you by no means have to be exclusive to Cideshow and you maintain full ownership of your show).

If you want to brag that your series is on a streaming service (or on another one for all you popular creators), we’re here to back that brag up.

Please submit here for consideration, or read our FAQ for more information.

Pilots (to become official Cideshow Series)

We’re also looking for pilots. We’re sure you’ve been shopping it around to different networks, but you very well may have a home for it here.

We will distribute your pilot on our side, and allow our viewers to vote for it with their candy. If the show receives enough votes, we will fund more episodes of it, making it an Official Cideshow Series.

And maybe even the best news is that you will still own your show, meaning that if you want to sell it to bigger networks (no one’s as cool as us though), you can. Create your show, grow your fanbase, and take advantage of the demand it will cause.

We’re looking for pilots with i’s, (imaginative, innovative, interactive), and/ or e’s (edgy, experimental, entertaining AF).

 Please submit here for consideration, or read our FAQ for more information.

Step right up

We’re super excited to launch our network. Our goal is to make this a paradise for both creators and viewers, removing the wall between them and making this the theme park of streaming services.

And we’d love it if you joined us.

Please let any other interested creators know and we can get this show started.