Cideshow writings
Articles for both viewers and creators.
We’re beyond excited to announce the long-awaited full debut of our streaming service. And the sideshow is now opening to our main event, as we also announce our new name: Candie TV…
“New York itself is a character” has become such a cliche, that it has lost the impact that it once had. You can also substitute any other city in that expression, and you’re probably going to get eyerolls in return.…
Being a TV snob can be tough. Maybe back in the day, when options were fewer and Hill Street Blues was the biggest piece of prestige TV that’s seen the light of homes, it was easier…
Tomorrow Night—the talk show of yesterdayeve—is coming together today! And it’s launching us into tomorrow! #thefutureisnow Cideshow’s brand-new late night talk show Tomorrow Night…
Almost six years ago I started this venture to write an article on every single movie in the AFI top 100 list. Whatever possessed me to do such foolishness, I knew in the back of my mind, if I could get past the halfway point, I could get through the full thing.…
There’s a wide variety of types of movies on this list and none are quite like this one. Oftentimes movies made in the 30’s and 40’s feel similar to movies made today; however this one.…
Many directors have become punchlines to jokes. Michael Bay, Dennis Duggan, and Greg Araki have all become known for making popular less than great movies.…
Before, I had explored the first element of creating a great pilot script. And now, we’re moving right along to an element every bit as important: having amazing characters…
I’ve spend some time in past AFI articles talking about the genre movies that make it onto the list. Something just as interesting is the movies that aren’t a single genre.…
Like with Silence of the Lambs, sometimes something in the genre convention becomes much more than being just another genre movie and instead becomes an elevated piece of art.…
A byproduct of focusing on a list of the most critically acclaimed movies is that there’s something about critically acclaimed movies that feels like homework…
Going from the golden age of television to the platinum stage isn’t exactly easy. With movie theaters on life support and binge watching still as popular as it was during the heights of the pandemic…
Are you an aspiring TV writer or showrunner?…
Not that long ago I looked at another musical, The Sound of Music. The one I’m looking at this week is from around the same time period…
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(An analysis of the 2007 AFI top 100 movies, and what you can learn from them)
“Film history is such a big piece of this AFI list as we’re not only looking at movies that movie well but ones that taught all other movies how to movie. Back when filmmakers were still trying to figure out…”