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Shape a Show and Get Your Name in Lights

Cideshow is all about viewers making the decisions, and here's the first opportunity!

With just a few months from launching, we're in production on several shows, and we want your thoughts on one of them.

We're creating a Stand-Up Competition, similar to Last Comic Standing (focused on Bay Area Comedians), where Stand-Up Comedians compete week by week through on-stage performances and other challenges. Viewers are in complete control of who moves on each week and will also be able to decide on other show elements.

This is the first opportunity to help shape the series. We'd love for you to tell us what you'd want to see in this kind of show. In exchange we'll credit you forever as a "Consulting Producer" on one of the episodes.

The form is only a few quick voting questions (on show title, types of challenges you want to see, etc.), and it will help us out a lot:

Brag you're the producer of a comedy series to everyone!

We're collecting the results soon, so Saturday March 7th at noon will be the last opportunity to participate.

And in the meantime, if you're not following us on twitter now what are you doing?? We're ready for you.