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What Is Candivan?

The future of television is almost here, and it has a big candy cane C!

Candivan is a place where the greatest undiscovered filmmakers and showrunners will create original web television series. We will be the first streaming service to produce web television shows made by the artists and decided on by the viewers. Think a low-budget Netflix, Hulu, for undiscovered creators. Well-made, smart, fun, edgy series from some of the most talented creators out there.

At Candivan it will not be the corporate bigwigs in producer suits deciding what shows stay and go; it will be you, the viewer. Candivan subscribers will get a say in what shows will continue to be produced. It is a channel that is truly created and kept going by the people.

We are busy behind the scenes scouting for talent and getting ready to launch the Candivan Kickstarter very soon! We hope you will be a supporter. Sign up for Kickstarter updates here.

If you are a curious TV lover or creator subscribe to our blog! We will be posting updates on Candivan shows, news and events. For budding creators, we will also be launching our Candivan Film School series of posts. Learn how to create great television series, covering writing, production and more. Hopefully one day, you’ll be making shows for us.

Stay tuned for more from Candivan.